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New guidelines prove San Francisco not out of the woods in COVID-19 fight

Enhanced shelter in place guidelines for seven Bay Area counties come on the same day that some health officials say the Bay Area could be showing signs of early flattening of the curve, due to putting restrictions in place early. 

You may remember the city of San Francisco declared a state of emergency at the end of February well before the city even saw a positive case of COVID-19.

On Tuesday, the San Francisco Department of Emergency San Francisco News Management said they hope their early action has helped but they know we are far from the end of this crisis. 

“We are not at the point where we can declare victory,” said Director Mary Ellen Carroll. “So the message to everyone is we have to keep doing what we’re doing. We’re very hopeful that being the first in the country to implement these strategies to limit the spread will be effective. But none of us here in this office are breathing any sign of relief yet.”

That’s why enhancing and extending the guidelines was so important. 

Director Mary Ellen Carroll says the guidelines enforce many behaviours officials were already noticing, such as distancing at grocery stores but they also give Press Release Distribution Services In San Francisco businesses clearer guidelines on how to conduct business during this time. 

“We’re learning as we go also, and I think from the health officers perspective, it was time to look at where we were successful, and where we needed to tighten up. Just overall making sure we’re doing everything we can to slow the spread,” said Carroll. 

Of course if you haven’t yet, the Department of Emergency Management is encouraging all San Franciscans to sign up for AlertSF by texting your zip code for updates on guidelines.

You can also always call 311 for more information.

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